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Achieve your trading edge with our technical indicators
While we provide numerous trading indicators, both free and premium, our homepage is dedicated to 'Easy Trade Pro' our flagship trading indicator solution. It is designed to provide traders with high probability buy & sell setups of any financial asset and timeframe.
Three types of buy signals, and sell signals
Bullish reversal candles with support lines
Bearish reversal candles with resistance lines
Timeframe optimization
Alerts direct to your email or phone
Advanced & customizable settings menu
Advanced Features for Simple and Successful Trading
Navigate Cryptocurrency Volatility
Here is a snapshot of Stellar backtest results 🤑. BTC-USDT Perpetual Contract, Bybit Exchange on a 1-H Chart, , from 2022/09/19 to 2023/09/19, using our Buy & Sell Trading Indicator "Easy Trade Pro".
To access complete details of the strategy, please take a look at the PDF below